Thursday, March 31, 2011

april is for sharing stories

april is here. which means spring is here. which means i'm thinking of new beginnings and starting fresh.

it also means the start of something new here.

self image.

it's the #1 thing i address/am concerned with when it comes to my youth girls and really, most teenage girls.

the current culture we live in nearly demands girls to grow up too fast and to look perfect. because of this girls in elementary school are dressing like girls in high school. they think it's normal to start wearing makeup at the age of 10, or younger in some cases. and the advertising industry has started marketing magazines for girls that age; magazines full of photos of cute prepubescent boys, dating & fashion tips.

we're basically begging our girls to grow up faster.

this is dangerous because it is creating a greater problem than future miss america's wearing too much blush.

it has created a rampant problem with girls' self image. mostly revealing itself in weight issues, self-harming, over-sexualization, relational insecurities & confusion.

this isn't new. this issue didn't just appear on the scene. but i believe it's getting worse.

this month we're going to be listening to stories of girls who have dealt with different kinds of self-image issues. you're going to meet real people with real stories of struggle.

i've got some very brave ladies who are willing to share their hearts with us. they are willing to put their battles, pain, successes and failures on display for you. they're doing it so that hopefully we can learn from them.

you're going to want to hear their stories. because their story could be just like the one you're living right now.

i'm excited for this journey with you.
because it's spring.
and maybe a new beginning is just around the corner for you.

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